Report of the 2017 CIC on Saferty of Navigation-including ECDIS

From 1st September 2017 to 30th November 2017, the BS MOU carried out a Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on Safety of Navigation throughout the region. This campaign involved all member States of the BS MOU and was conducted in conjunction with the Tokyo MOU and Paris MOU and other MOUs. The campaign was conducted under the campaign coordination of the Bulgarian Maritime Administration. Paris and Tokyo MOUs guidelines and questionnaire were used.

During the campaign, a total of 983 inspections were carried out with the CIC questionnaire involving 983 individual ships. Of this quantity 59 ships were detained with 21 (35.6%) detentions being within the CIC scope. This means that in 21 cases the navigation systems are not meeting SOLAS requirements and had deficiencies, which were serious enough to detain the ship, resulting in a CIC-topic related detention rate of 2.14 per cent.

A total of 180 questionnaires had at least a non-compliance to a requirement, resulting 18.3 per cent of CIC inspections. The overall average per cent of non-conformities was 2.68.