Yearly Archive:: 2024

Report of the 2023 CIC on Fire Safety

From 1 September 2023 to 30 November 2023, the Black Sea MoU carried out a Concentrated
Inspection Campaign (CIC) on Fire Safety throughout the region. This campaign involved all member
States of the BS MoU and was conducted in conjunction with the Paris and the Tokyo Memoranda,
and other Regional PSC Regimes. The campaign was conducted under the campaign coordination
of the Maritime Administration of Türkiye. Guidelines and Questionnaires of the Paris and Tokyo
Memoranda were used.

This CIC applied to all ships and a ship was subjected to a singular CIC inspection during the
campaign period. Over the course of the campaign, a total of 1,237 inspections were carried out,
covering 1,174 individual ships. Of these, 922 inspections were carried out with the CIC
questionnaire. During the CIC, 41 ships were detained in total. 34 of these detentions are the result
of inspections with CIC Questionnaires and 15 of them were detained under the CIC scope.

A total of 91 questionnaires had at least one non-compliance to any of the requirements, resulting
in 9.87 per cent of CIC inspections. The overall average per cent of nonconformities was 1.41 which
means that the “unsatisfactory” answer was given to any question under this CIC.

PSCC24 Press Release

Batumi, Georgia – Representatives of the Port State Control Committee, the governing body under the Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control in the Black Sea Region (BS MoU), met in-person presence in Batumi, Georgia, for the twenty-fourth session from 26 to 28 March 2024. Those who were unable to attend were given the opportunity to participate online.
The meeting was chaired by Captain Cosmin Laurențiu Dumitrache, General Director of the Romanian Naval Authority.

Director of the Maritime Transport Agency of Georgia, Mr. Aleksi Akhvlediani delivered a welcome speech and officially declared the opening of the meeting. In his opening speech, Mr. Akhvlediani first welcomed all delegates to Batumi and emphasized the importance of collaboration among member states to ensure navigation safety in the Black Sea region. Mr. Akhvlediani highlighted the crucial role of port state control in maritime safety and environmental protection globally, with particular significance in the Black Sea and underscored Georgia's commitment to fulfilling its international obligations and improving transport connectivity, focusing on port infrastructure development and digitalization initiatives. The opening speech was concluded by expressing gratitude to the organizing committee and wishing for a productive meeting.

The twenty-fourth meeting of the Port State Control Committee was attended by all the 6 member Authorities of Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania, the Russian Federation, Türkiye and Ukraine and observers of Moldova, the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the Abuja MoU, the Indian Ocean MoU, the Tokyo MoU and the Viňa del Mar Agreement attended to the meeting. Observers of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, the International Labour Organization (ILO), the Caribbean MoU, the Paris MoU, the Riyadh MoU, USCG and the Commission on the Protection of the Black Sea against Pollution were unable to attend.

Preliminary results of the CIC on Fire Safety

From 1 September 2023 to 30 November 2023, the Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control in the Black Sea Region (BS MoU) carried out a Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on Fire Safety.
The campaign involved all member Authorities of the BS MoU and was conducted under the campaign coordination of the Maritime Administration of Türkiye. This campaign was conducted with the Paris and Tokyo Memoranda, as well as other regional PSC Regimes, utilizing the Guidelines and Questionnaires of the Paris and Tokyo Memorandums. The campaign shows the following preliminary results.