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Annual Report for 2016

Annual Report for 2016

We are pleased to present the sixteenth issue of the Annual Report on Port State Control in the Black Sea region which is published under the auspices of the Port State Control Committee of the Black Sea MOU.
Port State Control is of particular importance to the BS MOU member Authorities due to the role of shipping in region’s trade, the sensitivity of the Black Sea basin and its coastline to environmental damage. PSC inspections are conducted to ensure that foreign ships visiting the Black Sea ports are seaworthy, do not pose a pollution risk, provide a healthy and safe environment and comply with relevant international regulations and within the scope of the member Authorities’ national governing laws and regulations.
At the 17th meeting of the Port State Control Committee in Sochi, Russian Federation, April 2016, the BS MOU decided to introduce a new inspection scheme incorporation of expanded inspection to initial and more detailed inspection from 1st January 2017 to harmonize further its inspection scheme with the Paris MOU, to the highest level.

This PSC Annual report covers the period between 1st January and 31st December 2016. During this period the BS MOU member Authorities conducted a total of 5066 initial inspections, representing 1.4 per cent increase as compared with 4,997 initial inspections in 2015. The regional inspection rate is 69.80% which is 0.22 per cent
increase as compared with 2015. A total of 229 detentions were warranted to ships found with serious deficiencies. This represents a detention percentage of 4.52% which is 5.05 per cent increase as compared with 218 detentions in 2015. During 2016 a total of 18,266 deficiencies were recorded. The average number of deficiencies per inspection was 3.61; resulting in a 0.01 deficiency point decrease.