
Overview of COVID-19 BSMoU MS measures

Press Release CIC on Stability in General

The member Authorities of the Memorandum of Understanding on PSC in the Black Sea Region (BS MoU) will conduct a concentrated inspection campaign on Stability in General.
The three-month campaign will start on September 1st, 2021 and end on November 30th, 2021 under the co-ordination of Romanian Naval Authority. The campaign shall be conducted simultaneously with the Paris MoU and Tokyo MoU and other MoUs.

Annual Report for 2020

We are pleased to present the twentieth issue of the Annual Report on Port State Control in the Black Sea region which is published under the auspices of the Port State Control Committee of the Black Sea MOU.

Port State Control is of particular importance to the BS MOU member Authorities due to the role of shipping in region’s trade, the sensitivity of the Black Sea basin and its coastline to environmental damage. PSC inspections are conducted to ensure that foreign ships visiting the Black Sea ports are seaworthy, do not pose a pollution risk, provide a healthy and safe environment and comply with relevant international regulations and within the scope of the member Authorities’ national governing laws and regulations.

This PSC Annual report covers the period between 1st January and 31st December 2020, a year dominated by the global Covid-19 pandemic that changed the world, affected millions of people and also caused significant impact on BS MOU activities. During this period national measures affecting the port State control regime was implemented by the BS MOU member Authorities due to ongoing pandemic.

PSCC21 Press Release

Istanbul, Turkey - Representatives of the Port State Control Committee, the governing body under the Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control in the Black Sea Region (BS MOU), met by virtual means for the Twenty-first session from 13 to 15 April 2021. The 21st Committee meeting, which was originally scheduled to be held in Constanta, Romania in March 2020, was postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic and afterwards was organized virtually as agreed by all member Authorities. The meeting was chaired by Captain Alexandar ILIEV - Harbour Master of Port Burgas, Bulgaria.

The Chair made a welcome speech and officially declared the opening of the meeting. In his opening speech, Mr. Alexandar ILIEV stressed the important role of port State control for promotion of safer shipping and cleaner seas and the responsibilities of both flag States and port States. The port State control activities have been heavily affected by the circumstances arising from the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. He expressed gratitude and appreciation to all the Black Sea countries for their valuable support which contributed to the success of the initiative. Moreover, he encouraged BS MOU to further enhance and improve its activities so as to promote safety of navigation, protection of the marine environment and the labour conditions on board ships. He also conveyed his condolences to Captain Hüseyin YÜCE, the ex-Secretary of the Black Sea MOU Secretariat, who passed away on 07 January 2021. Lastly, he reaffirmed the commitment and continuous support from all member states to the BS MOU and declared opening of the meeting officially.

New Secretary Appointed to the Black Sea MoU on PSC