Press releases

Press Release BS MOU New Inspection Regime

At the 16th meeting of the Port State Control Committee in Batumi, Georgia, April 2015, the Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control in the Black Sea Region (BS MOU) decided to introduce a New Inspection Regime for selection of ships from 1st January 2016 to harmonize further its risk based targeting and inspection system with the leading memorandums, namely Paris MOU and Tokyo MOU, to the highest level.

The existing ship targeting system adjusted to accommodate additional generic parameters (e.g. Flag, RO, and Company performances), weighting points for each parameters, amendment of levels of the ship risk profile and determination of frequency of inspection of for each risk level, benefiting experience after four years of in depth comparative study of the leading PSC inspection regimes and considering discussion at IMO on the small flags.

The BS MOU New Inspection Regime, BS-IR (2016), consists of combination of Ship Risk Profile and Time Windows for clear indication of the order of priority in selection of ships for inspections. Black Sea Information System (BSIS) calculates and displays outputs of sections 1 to 3 using inspection records of member authorities stored in the BSIS for members use at the time of selection of ships for inspections.

Press Release CIC on Crew Familiarization for Enclosed Space Entry

The six member Authorities of the (Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania, Russian Federation, Turkey, Ukraine) of the Black Sea Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control will start a concentrated inspection campaign on Crew Familiarization for Enclosed Space Entry. The three-month campaign will start on September 1, 2015 and end on November 30, 2015 under the co-ordination of the Maritime Transport Agency of Georgia. The campaign shall be conducted simultaneously with the Paris MOU, Tokyo MOU and other MOUs.

Press Release CIC on STCW Hours of Rest (preliminary results)

Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on STCW Hours of Rest 2014 carried out between 1 September 2014 and 30 November 2014 in the Black Sea MOU region shows the following preliminary results of the questions related to the verification both deck and engine room watch-keepers’ hours of rest.
6 ships have been detained in the Black Sea MOU region during the course of the CIC through deficiencies relating to STCW Hours of Rest. The most notable non-conformities observed were lack of correctly recorded records related hours of rest (7.33 %), followed by lack of watch schedule posted in an accessible area (1.75 %) and endorsement of the daily hours of rest records for each watch keeper (1.48 %).

Press Release CIC on STCW Hours of Rest

The six member Authorities of the (Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania, Russian Federation, Turkey, Ukraine) of the Black Sea Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control will start a concentrated inspection campaign on STCW Hours of Rest. The three-month campaign will start on September 1, 2014 and end on November 30, 2014 under the co-ordination of the General Directorate of Maritime and Inland Water Transport of the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Transport and Communication. The campaign shall be conducted simultaneously with the Paris MOU, Tokyo MOU and other MOUs.

The 15th Session of The Port State Control Committee in The Black Sea Region

Constanta, Romania – Representatives of the Port State Control Committee, the governing body under the Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control in the Black Sea Region (BS MoU), met in Constanta, Romania, for the Fifteenth session from 8 to 10 April 2014.