
PSCC23 Press Release

Constanta, ROMANIA – Representatives of the Port State Control Committee, the governing body under the Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control in the Black Sea Region (BS MoU), met in-person presence in Constanta, ROMANIA, for the Twenty-third session from 25 to 28 April 2023. Those who were unable to attend were given the opportunity to participate online.

The meeting was chaired by Captain Alexandar ILIEV - Deputy Harbour Master of Port Burgas, BULGARIA. Captain Cosmin Laurențiu DUMITRACHE, General Director of the Romanian Naval Authority and the Vice-Chair of the PSCC23 meeting made a welcome speech and officially declared the opening of the meeting. In his opening speech, Captain DUMITRACHE first welcomed all delegates to Constanta and stressed the vital role of port State control in ensuring a safe environment at sea for human life, ships, ports and overall, maritime related activities. Expressing that promoting and supporting cooperation is the key to our success, he highlighted that this could not have been done by one country alone and that strengthening the regional and international cooperation ensured effective mechanisms for responding to unsafe and sub-standard shipping.

The twenty-third meeting of the Port State Control Committee was attended by all the 6 member Authorities of Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania, the Russian Federation, Türkiye and Ukraine and observers of Moldova, the Abuja MoU, the Mediterranean MoU-represented by the delegation of Türkiye, the Paris MoU, the Tokyo MoU and the Viňa del Mar Agreement attended to the meeting. Observers of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the International Labour Organization (ILO), the Caribbean MoU, the Indian Ocean MoU, the Riyadh MoU, USCG and the Commission on the Protection of the Black Sea against Pollution were unable to attend.

Preliminary results of the CIC on STCW

Press Release CIC on STCW

Annual Report for 2021

We are pleased to present the twenty-first issue of the Annual Report on Port State Control in the Black Sea region which is published under the auspices of the Port State Control Committee of the Black Sea MoU.

Port State Control is of particular importance to the BS MoU member Authorities due to the role of shipping in the region’s trade, the sensitivity of the Black Sea basin and its coastline to environmental damage. PSC inspections are conducted to ensure that foreign ships visiting the Black Sea ports are seaworthy, do not pose a pollution risk, provide a healthy and safe environment and comply with relevant international regulations and within the scope of the member Authorities’ national governing laws and regulations.

This PSC Annual report covers the period between 1st January and 31st December 2021, a year the Covid-19, Pandemic continued to affect countries around the orld. However, over the past year, maritime transport defied the Covid-19 disruption.

Notice to PSCOs No.15 – Guidance for PSCO on the IGF Code

The IGF Code takes effect on 1 January 2017 upon entry into force of amendments to chapters II-1, II-2 and the appendix to the annex of the Convention.
Unless expressly provided otherwise this Code applies to ships to which part G of SOLAS chapter II-1 applies. (Part G is added to SOLAS by Res.MSC.392(95)).