Bulgarian Maritime Administration
Ministry of Transport
9, Dyakon Ignatiy St.,
Sofia 1000 Bulgaria
Tel: +359 700 10 145
Email: bma@marad.bg

Maritime Transport Agency
Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia
50, Bako Street, Batumi, 6000, Georgia
Tel: +995 222 74925
Fax: +995 222 73929
Email: info@mta.gov.ge

Romanian Naval Authority
RNA Building, Gate No.1
Constanta Port, 900900
Constanta, Romania
Tel: +40 241 61 6124
Fax: +40 341 73 0352
Email: rna@rna.ro

Russian Federation
Department of the State Policy for Maritime and River Transport,
Ministry of Transport
1, bldg 1, Rozhdestvenska st.,
Moscow 103759, Russia
Tel: +7 499 495 0000
Fax: +7 499 495 0010
Email: info@mintrans.ru

Republic of Turkey
Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure
Directorate General for Maritime Affairs
Hakkı Turayliç Cad. No:5 06338
Emek/Ankara, Turkey
Tel: +90 312 203 10 00; +90 312 203 22 20
Fax: +90 312 231 3306
Email: psc@uab.gov.tr

State Service for Maritime, Inland Waterway Transport and Shipping of Ukraine
25 Preobrazhenskaya str., Kyiv, 03110, Ukraine
Tel: +38 044 294 60 00
Email: office@marad.gov.ua