press release Archive

CIC on Tanker Damage Stability Compliance

The six member Maritime Authorities (Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania, Russian Federation, Turkey, Ukraine) of the Black Sea Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control will start a
concentrated inspection campaign on Tanker Damage Stability compliance as of 1st September 2010 in parallel with the Paris MOU. The inspection campaign will last 3 months ending on 30 November 2010.

The CIC inspections will be conducted in conjunction with routine port State control inspections and during every port State control inspection within the Black Sea region.

The Black Sea MoU Celebrates 10 Years

The Maritime Authorities of the Memorandum of Understanding on PSC in the Black Sea Region (BS MoU) celebrated 10 years of co-operation during the 11th session of the Port State Control Committee (PSCC) that was held at Istanbul, Turkey, 6-8 April 2011.

The meeting was chaired by Dr. Vitaly Klyuev, Deputy Director of the Department of State Policy for Maritime and River Transport, Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation. The meeting was officially opened by Dr. Ozkan POYRAZ General Director Maritime Transport Undersecretary for Maritime Affairs of Turkey. In his opening speech Dr. POYRAZ welcomed all delegates to İstanbul and expressed the pleasure to host the Committee meeting on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the Memorandum. He informed the meeting of the development made and planned projects to be implemented in the field of maritime transport in Turkey.

Press Release CIC on Lifeboat Launcing Arrangements

In accordance with the decision of the Port State Control Committee, the concentrated inspection campaign (CIC) on lifeboat arrangements (SOLAS Chapter III) in the Black Sea region was conducted from 01 September till 30 November 2009 under coordination of the Republic of Turkey Undersecretariat for Maritime Affairs.

Within the campaign the Black Sea MOU Authorities verified vital points of implementation of SOLAS Chapter III on all vessels regardless of type.

The 10th session of the Port State Control Committee in the Black Sea region

Novorossiysk, the Russian Federation – Representatives of the Port State Control Committee, the executive body under the Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control in the Black Region (BS MOU), met from 7 to 9 July 2009 in Novorossiyk, the Russian Federation, for its tenth session. The meeting was chaired by Captain Serban BERESCU, Depury Director General, Romanian Naval Authority Ministry of Transport, the Republic of Romania. Dr. Vitaly V. KLYUEV Deputy Director, Department of State Policy for Maritime and River Transport, Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, made a welcome speech and declared open of the meeting. In his speech, Dr. KLYUEV reiterated the strategy and the policy of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation for promotion of safe, secure and clean seas, and in particular in the area of the Black Sea.

Pre-press Release CIC on Safety of Navigation

In accordance with the decision of the Port State Control Committee, the concentrated inspection campaign (CIC) on safety of navigation in the Black Sea region was conducted from 01 September till 30 November 2008 under coordination of the Republic of Turkey Undersecretariat for Maritime Affairs.

Within the campaign the Black Sea MOU Authorities verified vital points of implementation of SOLAS Chapter V on all vessels regardless of type.