report Archive

Annual Report for 2006

We are pleased to present the fifth issue of the Annual Report on Port State Control in the Black Sea region which is published under the auspices of the Port State Control Committee of the Black Sea MOU. This annual report outlines recent activities on port State control in the Black Sea region, as well as international perspectives on port State control and includes the statistical port State inspection data conducted by the member Authorities of the BS MOU during the year 2006.

Annual Report for 2005

We are pleased to present the fourth issue of the Annual Report on Port State Control in the Black Sea region which is published under the auspices of the Port State Control Committee of the Black Sea MOU. The annual report outlines recent activities on port State control in the Black Sea region, as well as international perspectives on port State control and includes the statistical port State inspection data conducted by the member Authorities of the BS MOU during the year 2005.

Annual Report for 2004

We are pleased to present the third issue of the Annual Report on Port State Control in the Black Sea region which is published under the auspices of the Port State Control Committee of the Black Sea MOU, which covers port State control activities and developments in the year 2004.

Annual Report for 2003

This annual report outlines recent activities on port State control in the Black Sea region, as well as international perspectives on port State control and includes the statistical port State inspection data conducted by the member Authorities of the Black Sea during the year 2003.


Annual report for 2003 corrected and revised version is published. Please note Corrigendum Annual Report for 2003. Observed errors are deeply regretted.

Annual Report for 2002

The Committee of the Black Sea Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control is pleased to present the Annual Report on Port State Control in the Black Sea Region for 2002.

The Development and implementation of a Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control in the Black Sea Region aimed at gradual eradication of substandard ships imposing increasing risks of accidents which could result in massive pollution by oil and other harmful substances which threats Black Sea waters.

The main objective of the Committee and member Authorities is to establish an effective port State control regime in the Black Sea region, through co-operation and harmonization of the PSC activities to eliminate sub-standard shipping so as to promote maritime safety, to protect the marine environment and to safeguard working and living conditions on board.

This annual report which is the first issue provides background information, presents a review of the previous achievements, outlines recent activities on port State control in the Black Sea region and includes the statistical port state inspection data conducted by the member Authorities of the Black Sea Memorandum during the year 2002.