Concentrated Inspection Campaigns

Press Release CIC on Lifeboat Launcing Arrangements

In accordance with the decision of the Port State Control Committee, the concentrated inspection campaign (CIC) on lifeboat arrangements (SOLAS Chapter III) in the Black Sea region was conducted from 01 September till 30 November 2009 under coordination of the Republic of Turkey Undersecretariat for Maritime Affairs.

Within the campaign the Black Sea MOU Authorities verified vital points of implementation of SOLAS Chapter III on all vessels regardless of type.

Pre-press Release CIC on Safety of Navigation

In accordance with the decision of the Port State Control Committee, the concentrated inspection campaign (CIC) on safety of navigation in the Black Sea region was conducted from 01 September till 30 November 2008 under coordination of the Republic of Turkey Undersecretariat for Maritime Affairs.

Within the campaign the Black Sea MOU Authorities verified vital points of implementation of SOLAS Chapter V on all vessels regardless of type.

CIC on ISM Code

In accordance with the decision of the Port State Control Committee, the concentrated inspection campaign (CIC) on the ISM Code in the Black Sea region was conducted from September 1 till November 30, 2007 under coordination of the Russian Federation.

Within the campaign the Black Sea MOU Authorities verified vital points of implementation of ISM Code requirements on seagoing ships, that is, effectiveness of SMS reflected in crew routine and emergency procedures, ship technical maintenance.


The six member Maritime Authorities (Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania, Russian Federation, Turkey, Ukraine) of the Black Sea Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control will carry out a Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) focussing on how requirements for preventing marine pollution from ships (MARPOL73/78, Annex 1) have been implemented. Starting on October 01, 2006, the inspection campaign will last 3 months, ending on December 31, 2006. The Campaign Coordinator Authority is the Republic of Turkey Undersecretary for Maritime Affairs.


The six member Maritime Authorities (Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania, Russian Federation, Turkey, Ukraine) of the Black Sea Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control will carry out a Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) with the purpose to ensure that the ship’s radio station complies with Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS). This will also include verification that radio operators are able to demonstrate that the station is in a satisfactory working condition and used for its intended purpose. Starting on June 01, 2006, the inspection campaign will last 3 months, ending on August 30, 2006. The Campaign Coordinator Authority is the Republic of Turkey Undersecretary for Maritime Affairs.